5 good motivational books in english

5 good motivational books in english, motivated book, success book
good motivational books img: Ylanite Koppens

1: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Book Review 

"Think and Grow Rich" is a self-help book by Napoleon Hill, published in 1937. The book is based on interviews with successful people of his time, including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie, as well as Hill's own observations and research.

The book outlines thirteen principles for achieving success, including having a clear goal, developing a burning desire, taking action, and maintaining a positive mindset. It also emphasizes the importance of persistence and the power of the subconscious mind in achieving one's goals.

Hill argues that anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can achieve success if they are willing to put in the effort and follow these principles. The book has become a classic in the self-help genre and has inspired millions of readers around the world to pursue their dreams and achieve success.

Overall, "Think and Grow Rich" offers practical advice and tips on how to achieve success and overcome obstacles. While some of the language and examples used in the book may be dated, the overall message and principles are still relevant today and can be applied to any area of life, whether personal or professional.

2: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book Review | Stephen R. Covey

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is a self-help book written by Stephen Covey and first published in 1989. The book presents a comprehensive approach to personal effectiveness based on seven key habits.

The seven habits are:

1. Be proactive: Take responsibility for your actions and make things happen.

2. Begin with the end in mind: Define your goals and objectives, and work towards them with purpose.

3. Put first things first: Prioritize your time and energy based on what matters most.

4. Think win-win: Seek mutually beneficial solutions that benefit all parties involved.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood: Listen actively and seek to understand others before trying to be understood.

6. Synergize: Work collaboratively with others to achieve greater results than you could alone.

7. Sharpen the saw: Continuously improve yourself through learning and growth.

Covey argues that these habits are essential for personal and professional success, and that developing them requires a shift in mindset from focusing on external factors to focusing on internal principles.

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" has become a classic in the self-help genre and has inspired millions of readers around the world to adopt a more proactive, purposeful approach to life. The book's practical advice and timeless wisdom continue to resonate with readers today.

3: The Power of Positive Thinking Book Review | Norman Vincent Peale

Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking" is a self-help book that was first published in 1952. The book is based on the idea that positive thinking can have a transformative effect on an individual's life, leading to greater happiness, success, and overall well-being.

Peale suggests that by cultivating a positive attitude and mindset, we can overcome obstacles, build resilience, and achieve our goals. He offers practical tips and techniques for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, and encourages readers to focus on their strengths and abilities rather than their weaknesses and limitations.

While some critics have argued that the concept of positive thinking can be oversimplified and may not account for the complexities of life, many readers have found value in Peale's message. The book has been widely read and has inspired numerous other self-help books and programs over the years.

Today, the power of positive thinking continues to be a popular topic in the field of personal development, with many people embracing the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can have a significant impact on our lives.

4: How to Win Friends & Influence People, Book Review | by Dale Carnegie

"How to Win Friends & Influence People" is a self-help book written by Dale Carnegie, first published in 1936. The book offers practical advice on how to improve interpersonal relationships and become more influential in both personal and professional settings.

Carnegie's book emphasizes the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, listening actively, and communicating effectively. He suggests that by focusing on others rather than ourselves, we can build stronger connections and achieve greater success in life.

The book is divided into four parts: fundamental techniques in handling people, six ways to make people like you, how to win people to your way of thinking, and be a leader: how to change people without giving offense or arousing resentment. Each part includes several principles and strategies for improving communication and building relationships.

Despite being written over 80 years ago, "How to Win Friends & Influence People" remains a popular and influential book today. Its teachings have been embraced by millions of readers around the world, and it has inspired numerous other books and programs in the field of personal development.

5: The Power of Habit Book Review | Charles Duhigg

"The Power of Habit" is a book written by Charles Duhigg, published in 2012. The book explores the science behind habits and how we can use this knowledge to change our behaviors and improve our lives.

Duhigg argues that habits are formed through a feedback loop consisting of three components: a cue, a routine, and a reward. He explains how understanding this loop can help us identify and change our habits, as well as develop new ones.

The book also delves into the neurological processes behind habits, exploring how they are formed and how they can be changed. Duhigg draws on research from psychology, neuroscience, and business to illustrate his points.

In addition to explaining the science of habit formation, Duhigg provides examples of how individuals and organizations have successfully changed their habits to achieve personal and professional goals. He emphasizes that changing habits requires both awareness and effort, but that it is possible to make lasting changes with the right tools and strategies.

"The Power of Habit" has been widely praised for its insights and practical advice. It has become a popular resource for individuals seeking to improve their habits and achieve personal growth, as well as for businesses looking to create positive change within their organizations.